
My name is Denis, I’m 42 years old and live in a small country
in the province of Pordenone, about 100 km from Venice.

I’m started the hobby of radio as a broadcasting listener in 1990.
In those years I enjoyed listening to many radio programs
across the world like radio Korea,voice of Russia, voice of Greece,
Radio Netherland, WYFR, radio New Zealand, radio China,
Japan, many pirate radio stations and tropical dx.

My first station was equipped with rx Kenwood R2000
and inverted V antenna later followed by Jrc nrd 535
and 100 ft long wire folded in three sides.


















In 2003 I started listening on the amateur radio bands participating
in many contest and making collections of QSL with 150 countries confirmed.

The station was also equipped with Kenwood R5000, Icom IC-R8500
and 32 ft vertical antenna.














In 2007 I became a OM and immediately I began to love all aspects
of this activity, dx, contest, diplomas, QRP, portable activities.
My first OM station was composed of a Icom IC-756 ProII,
Yaesu FT-857 and 3 elements 10-15-20-40m yagi.
I like to build small electronic circuits antennas etc.
I work in the bands from 80m to 2m and preferring the digital modes.

My club’s:
MDXC #345
30MDG #0215
BCS #082
EPC #1549
OMC #153

I confirm all qso with qsl via bureau, eqsl.cc (AG) and lotw.

Tnx for visiting my web page, best 73 and DX de IV3PGQ

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